I am pleased to be able to put the spotlight on
Mary Winchester. See her web page
here. I am as much one of her students as she ever was of mine, although she did attend a bronze casting class I gave some years ago, maybe 1998. Now retired from teaching, her incisive and capable mind has mastered many things over the years, not least sculpture and painting. The two pictures on the left illustrate a winged horse figure, in clay before firing; and the next was a commission for a 'dog portrait', again before firing and seen in situ in the kiln. The fourth is of a cow's head in miniature, cast in bronze, and the last is "kneeling bull", work in progress (subsequently fired).
However I wouldn't like to give the impression that her art work is restricted to animal motifs - her series of turbanned Arab heads, among many other types of work, have been very popular.
I have always found Mary's experienced views on art and aesthetics very useful to my own work; so hopefully the allotment where I imagine she wields spade and scythe will not pre-empt all her time.
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